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Profit Calculator


The SP-API's Profit Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help sellers accurately calculate the profitability of their products on the Amazon marketplace by leveraging the Selling Partner API, this app enables sellers to make data-driven decisions, optimize pricing strategies, and maximize their profits.

Key Features

Product Information
Sellers input relevant product information, such as ASIN or SKU, purchase price, shipping costs, and Amazon fees.
Selling Partner API Integration
The app utilizes the Selling Partner API to retrieve additional data, including current pricing information and fulfillment costs.
Net Profit Calculation
Based on the provided inputs and the retrieved data, the app calculates the net profit for each product, factoring in all associated costs and fees.
Fee Breakdown
The app provides a detailed breakdown of the different fees associated with selling the product, such as referral fees, variable closing fees, and fulfillment fees.
Revenue Calculation
The app calculates the total revenue based on the product price and quantity sold, providing sellers with an accurate understanding of their sales.
Margin Analysis
Sellers can analyze the profit margin for each product, enabling them to identify high-margin and low-margin items in their inventory.
Scenario Analysis
The app allows sellers to perform scenario analysis by adjusting various parameters such as pricing, shipping costs, or fulfillment methods. This helps them evaluate the impact of different scenarios on their overall profitability.
Historical Profit Data
Sellers can access historical profit data for products they have previously sold, enabling them to track performance over time and make data-driven decisions for future sales.


Accurate Profit Calculation
The SP-API's Profit Calculator leverages the Selling Partner API to provide accurate and up-to-date profit calculations, ensuring sellers have a clear understanding of their profitability.
Informed Pricing Strategies
By calculating net profit and analyzing profit margins, the app empowers sellers to make informed pricing decisions and optimize their profitability.
Transparent Fee Analysis
The app provides a detailed breakdown of fees, helping sellers understand the impact of different fees on their overall profit.
Scenario Planning
Sellers can evaluate different scenarios and adjust parameters to assess the impact on profit, allowing them to identify strategies that maximize their profitability.
Historical Performance Tracking
By accessing historical profit data, sellers can analyze trends and performance over time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions for future sales.


The SP-API's Profit Calculator is an essential tool for sellers who want to accurately calculate and optimize the profitability of their products on the Amazon marketplace. By leveraging the Selling Partner API, the app provides accurate profit calculations, fee analysis, and scenario planning capabilities, empowering sellers to make data-driven decisions, maximize their profits, and achieve success on the platform.